Spaces between teeth closed with braces

Spaces between teeth before braces

There are 3 spaces between the upper teeth and 5 between the lower teeth.

(Actual patient from North Brunswick, NJ)

Problems with spaces between teeth

Problems happen when teeth don’t line up just right.

The two most common problems caused by having spaces between teeth are a (1) lack of confidence when smiling and (2) loosening of the front teeth.

1. Gaps look like missing teeth: Gaps between teeth can make people self-conscious about smiling. The dark gaps can make a smile look like teeth are missing – even if all the teeth are present.

2. Dangers to the health of your gums: And there are health reasons for why gaps between teeth should be closed.

The most important reason to get spaces closed is to protect the health of the gums. You see, we are meant to chew with our teeth – not with our gums.

When there is a gap between teeth, that means that food can get smashed between teeth – smashed into the gums. Hard foods, like chips and pretzels can harm your soft gums. Over time, food that gets jammed between gap teeth and can force teeth even further apart.

Teeth can become loose because of the trauma, periodontal pockets and periodontal disease.

Closing spaces with braces

The best way to close spaces is often with braces. Other methods, like porcelain veneers and clear aligners may also be able to close spaces.

In as little as 6 months, braces patients can start to see their teeth come together – making the spaces between teeth disappear.

Here is the typical sequence that we use to close gaps between teeth using braces:

How to close spaces with braces

Gaps between teeth are closed with braces. Colorful stretchy links (orange, green, and gray) connect to the braces and start to close the spaces together.

Braces bring teeth together with the help of rubber links (called elastic chain). In as little as 6 months, the spaces are closed and patient’s smile is already looking so much better.

After braces close spaces between teeth

All the gaps between the teeth were closed after 12 months of braces.


In summary, gaps between teeth are unhealthy and braces can bring teeth together.